Harbor Care's Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Receives CARF Accreditation

Harbor Care’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families program (SSVF) received a three-year accreditation from the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, commonly known as CARF. This is the third 3-year award Harbor Care’s SSVF has received.

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Far From Safety: A Veteran's Story

When my husband Harry was serving in the Middle East, a coordinated attack involving three car-bombs killed several of his friends and left him seriously injured. Upon returning to the U.S., he spent several months in the hospital, and afterward needed extensive recuperative therapies during his long road toward recovery. He was lucky, but he challenges he faced demonstrate how grindingly difficult the transition is for those without a sturdy support system in place.

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New Hampshire Elks National Veterans Service Committee Supports Harbor Care's Vets in Manchester

The New Hampshire Elks National Veterans Service Commission (NHENVSC) are staunch supporters of Harbor Care’s veterans in Nashua, but this was is their first time they visited our veterans’ facility in Manchester. When members of the NHENVSC learned that the vets of BAE-Independence Hall didn’t have a way to prepare food in their new, beautiful green space, they provided an additional $300 for a beautiful new grill.

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A Tribute to Adé Ayo Moody

Adé Ayo Moody, a member of the Harbor Care’s board of directors, was a passionate advocate who helped vulnerable people navigate to safety and supported his community. At Harbor Care, Adé made lifelong friends, received mental health support, and housing assistance and leverage his experiences through service.

He is dearly missed.

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Guest User
Hepatitis C: We’re Fighting Stigma and Providing a Cure

Beth came to Harbor Care having recently received a diagnosis of Hepatitis C, or hep C, as it is often called. Her case had been reported to the state, as part of the contact tracing for infectious diseases. Although testing is the first step toward recovery, many hep C victims don’t realize they carry the virus, according to Jay Gupta, Harbor Care’s Director of Pharmacy. He explains that, “because they mistakenly think hep C is incurable, they feel there’s no benefit to getting tested.”

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With No One Else, Healthy at Home Stepped In

We realized there was a huge service gap for our clients — especially those with severe mental illness, or developmental disorders. No one wanted to come into their homes to serve them; we realized we either needed to create an in-home healthcare service for them, or these folks would end up institutionalized.

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Book Your Child's School Physical Today! 

Janna Thompson is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse at Harbor Care Health and Wellness Center in Nashua. This retired Army veteran and mother of four has seen everything and can charm a bashful child into giggles or take an anxious child from freaked-out to calm in a matter of minutes.

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Jack, the DJ Detective: A Healthy at Home Story

Host a radio show, or investigate homicides. Most people don’t get a chance to do either, but Jack did both.

“I’ve lived a good life,” he says. Having spent twelve years with Healthy at Home, Jack is one of the program’s longest-served clients.

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