OCTOBER: JEDI EVENTS & BRIEFS (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for All)

NATIONAL HISPANIC AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH 2023: Hispanic American Heritage Month is observed each year in the U.S. from Sep. 15-Oct. 15, and the Harbor Care team sure did celebrate with Hispanic/Latino dance classes, a City of Nashua event at Empanellies, and videos answering, what does it mean to be Hispanic/Latino?

VIDEOS: What does it mean to be Hispanic/Latino? English video by Magaly Rios, Spanish video by Magaly Rios, and video by Tania Funes Arguello. English translation of Tania’s video: For me, being Latino means being boisterous, partygoing, and friendly. It is greeting with a handshake and saying goodbye with a brotherly hug. Being Latino is color; it is flavor; it is culture and tradition. It's preparing mom's recipes and sharing them with family and friends. It's creating chaos in the kitchen at coffee time. You don't need an invitation because my house is your house. Being Latino is keeping my traditions and being proud of them. It is me sharing a little bit of what I am and represent. I am sure being together we’ll enjoy our cultural diversity much better."

INTERSEX RIGHTS: On October 26, we proudly recognize the voices and human rights of intersex people around the world (U.S. Department of State). Intersex persons are subject to violence, discrimination, abuse, and unnecessary surgeries. We support their human rights.

CELEBRATE OUR HUMANITY. Two days to remember, and look forward to: World Freedom Day on November 9, established by President George W. Bush to mark the collapse of the Iron Curtain (fall of the Berlin Wall), and World Tolerance Day on November 16.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MONTH. If you or a loved one are experiencing violence or abuse, you are not alone. Caring advocates are standing by to listen and to help. Each of NH’s programs that are a part of the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence provide services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, child abuse, and human trafficking. NH’s Statewide Domestic and Sexual Violence Helpline: 1-866-644-3574. For more information, click here.

SALUTES: Harbor Care’s teams commemorated Indigenous People’s Day, World Mental Health Day, and World Homeless Day this month. Follow the links to learn more about the ongoing issues around these important days.

DIVERSITY: October is also Global Diversity Awareness Month. Click here for some ideas on how to celebrate.


November 11: Veterans Day

November 21: Harbor Care Thanksgiving Community Dinner. Click here to learn more.

December 1: World AIDS Day, a day to remember and support. Click here to learn more.

December 10: Celebrate International Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Click here to read more.

December 18: Recognize International Migrants Day. Click here to learn more.

David Henderson