Harbor Care’s Free Thanksgiving Feast for Those in Need. All Are Welcome.

Celebrity “servers” this year include: Governor Chris Sununu, Governor-Elect Kelly Ayotte, U.S. Representative Chris Pappas, U.S. Representative Annie Kuster, U.S. Representative-Elect Maggie Goodlander, Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess. More to be announced.

Thanksgiving Mean 2024 flyer

Click the flyer above to download or email.

For over 20 years, Harbor Care has welcomed thousands of our most vulnerable community members to celebrate Thanksgiving, enjoy a great meal, and have fellowship together.

Held the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, this is much more than just a meal for over 300 individuals and families who attend each year. For many, it’s the moment a door opens and they find the help they desperately need.

Event Details

Harbor Care Health & Wellness Center, 45 High Street, Nashua

Tuesday, November 26
11:30am - 2pm

This meal is open to our local community at no cost. Let’s give thanks together.


Flyer/English - click flyer on the right to download.

🦃 Flyer/Spanish 🍂 Flyer/Portuguese 🦃 Poster 🍂 Poster/Spanish 🍂 Poster/Portuguese. 🍁 Email to a friend.

You Can Help Support the Those in Need!


Thanks to our sponsors:

Banner of fall leaves, pumpkins and berries with a pair of warm tan mittens