Harbor Care’s Free Thanksgiving Feast for Those in Need. All Are Welcome.
Celebrity “servers” this year include: Governor Chris Sununu, Governor-Elect Kelly Ayotte, U.S. Representative Chris Pappas, U.S. Representative Annie Kuster, U.S. Representative-Elect Maggie Goodlander, Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess. More to be announced.
For over 20 years, Harbor Care has welcomed thousands of our most vulnerable community members to celebrate Thanksgiving, enjoy a great meal, and have fellowship together.
Held the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, this is much more than just a meal for over 300 individuals and families who attend each year. For many, it’s the moment a door opens and they find the help they desperately need.
Event Details
Harbor Care Health & Wellness Center, 45 High Street, Nashua
Tuesday, November 26
11:30am - 2pm
This meal is open to our local community at no cost. Let’s give thanks together.
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